Thursday, 12 January 2012

Roundabout Debate

Rochester may be famous for its Dickens festival, and they may have a Town Cryer, a huge Cathedral, and a bit of a castle but they do not have a horse on a roundabout !
Come to Belvedere for a day out, and not only can you visit the B & Q just by the station, you must come see the horse that has been erected on our roundabout.
I love the youtube video about its erection (sorry...cannot resist!). It features the guy that paid for it, turning up to its unveiling in his horse and cart, and I think the theme tune to Steptoe and son is playing in the background, but I might just have heard that playing in my head!
I cannot believe it wasn't adorned with fairy lights over the Christmas period, next year I fully intend to visit our huge B & Q (which you can see from my bedroom window) and buy a few bits and bobs to put on it.
If the Belvedere Horse isn't too much excitement for one day, you could perhaps drive a mile or so to nearby Erith, and take a look at the Erith fish which is also on a roundabout. Sadly, the fish is not as popular as our horse, and some mean bugger once drove into it, but that does not detract from its beauty.
So in your face... people of Rochester, you may have your market and your Dickens Dressing Up days, but we have a Horse on a Roundabout!
What would you rather have on a roundabout...a horse or a fish ?

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